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About the Book

Candice was a college graduate, recently married and a first-time mom. She had every part of her life all planned out; even the hiccups (meeting her husband) turned into a new plan. When the out-of-her-control, unexpected death of her son sends her reeling, where does she find HOPE? How can the stories she tells herself be changed? How will she survive such tragedy and loss?

As Candice walks out her story of life change, loss and finding HOPE, her love for planning never waivers, but changes direction.

Through her journey, she hopes you can find your own HOPE (amidst the stories you tell yourself).

Book cover of Forever A Momma
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About the Book

There may not be a child here to tell the world this, but know you are in every way Forever A Momma.

If you have lost a child this companion book is just for you to work through these emotions, to remember your child, and to reflect on your journey. This book will provide you a safe place to REACT to elements of the book, REFLECT on biblical scripture, REMEMBER all the details of your child, and to RESPOND with action. It enables you to let out all the raw emotions and finally have an avenue to release the difficult to hold on to emotions.

Forever A Momma is to be used in conjunction with Hope (Amidst the Stories I Told Myself): How to Find Hope in Love and Loss.

Book cover of Hope Companion Book
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About the Book

HOPE is always on the horizon.

When we are faced with a difficult season, where do we turn and how do we cope? What lies do we tell ourselves in order to push through?

This companion book dives deeper into scripture forcing the reader to dig within themselves. The reader will work through three sections in conjunction with reading Hope (Amidst the Stories I Told Myself):

Through this study, the reader will find HOPE and a new perspective on their past circumstances. Lies we once told ourselves will no longer hold us.

If you choose to do this study with a group, there is also a series of three FREE videos to support your time together.